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Date Released : 2011
Version : 1.01a - english
Category : RPG Game Creator
Publisher: Enterbrain Inc
Format : RAR
Size : 257 MB
Download : Click Here to Download
Password MF: N/A
RPG Maker VX Ace Full Crack merupakan software untuk membuat game RPG atau Role-Playing-Game..walaupun hasilnya agak jadul tapi banyak orang yang mencarinya sehingga software ini menempati urutan pertama di cnet dengan kategori RPG
Minimum System Requirements:
OS :Windows XP, Vista, dan 7 (32 dan 64 bit)
CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 400 MB
Other:1024 x 768 pixels or higher desktop resolution
As a game based off the extremely successful movie, Transformers follows the plot of the film. You play as either the Decepticons or the Autobots and wage a campaign to obtain the Allspark, the mythical object that gives life to the transformer race. Along the way you take on hundreds of Autobot/Decepticon drones and get into enormous fights with the main robots of the opposing side, such as Bumblebee, Starscream, Jazz, Blackout and of course, Megatron and Optimus Prime. You'll fight, shoot, and drive/fly through several stages on your quest to either destroy the world or save it. And while the idea of giant shape shifting robots running around and beating each other up sounds like a surefire concept...the game, incredibly, disappoints on almost all aspects
System Requirements:
* Windows XP
* Pentium 4 or equivalent
* 2 GHz Processor
* 256 MB RAM
* Direct X 9.0c
Serious Sam continues in the great line of FPS titles that were spawned from the first Castle Wolfenstein. If you like Doom, Duke Nukem, Unreal, or Quake-style gaming, then you’ll know what kind of action to expect out of Serious Sam. There is a story in Serious Sam but, in the FPS tradition that has preceded it, the plot takes a co-starring backseat to the real star of the game, the FPS gory mayhem of blowing up/shooting/chain-sawing/hacking every enemy in sight.
That plot, and the dialogue contained within, makes the title of Serious Sam a misnomer. Just like Duke Nukem, nothing in this game should be taken seriously and you could almost believe that the game’s hero, Sam “Serious” Stone, could be Duke Nukem’s cousin. Stone’s got the whole Duke Nukem attitude going for him, right on down to the smart-alecky remarks he’s always tossing around alongside a few well-placed projectiles. Stone is the earth’s last hope against the monster master from another dimension, MENTAL. In his quest to defeat MENTAL, Stone gets to travel throughout time with the Time-Lock relic, visiting exotic locales from ancient Egypt to merry old England of days gone by.
All kinds of bizarro enemies are after our hero Stone, including Kleer Skeletons, Cucurbito the Pumpkin (complete with requisite pumpkin head), Zumb’ul From Planet Ras-Ad-Nyk (say that five times fast), Bio-Mechanoid, many beheaded denizens, Gnaar, and the ever-charging and scary Sirian Werebull. There’s always plenty of baddies to keep Stone on his toes and sweat on your palms. This is one tough game. You’ll never find anybody that’s played Serious Sam complain about not being challenged by the game’s artificial intelligence.
Filling those huge levels is wave after wave of bad guys. The game gets really intense near the close of each level. Stone gets placed in an enclosed arena-type battleground. You literally need to kill over 500 enemies, 25 or so at a time, to complete the level and move on. Let me tell you, the loud sound of the onrushing hooves of 25 enormous Sirian Werebulls is enough to get your heart beating and your brow sweating. The only downside to this is that the gameplay can get repetitive, because this is how every level ends. But with so many opponents to worry about, you’ll have precious few moments to reflect on repetition.
To assist fighting that bevy of monsters, Stone has the arsenal to do the job. There are rocket launchers, grenade launchers, flame-throwers, laserguns, cannons, bombs, shotguns, chainsaws, pistols, revolvers, and machine guns all at Stone’s disposal. There’s also tons of power-ups and items to help make annihilating MENTAL’s minions easier.
Download Game Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight Buat PC Free Full Version:
Size: 5 GB
"Download Game Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight Full Version"
Designed to provide gamers with an adrenaline-fueled experience, Crashday takes games like Stunts, Burnout, and Twisted Metal, and smashes them together at a high rate of speed. Jointly developed by Moon Byte Studios and Replay Studios, Crashday is a racing game that puts an emphasis on high-flying stunts, explosive crashes, and bullet-heavy vehicular combat. Each aspect of the game is given attention in career mode, or gamers can focus on one area in single-event game modes like stunt show, wrecking match, and pass the bomb.
Crashday features a dozen vehicles, each with the ability to be tuned-up, tricked-out, and topped with weapons. The game also places emphasis on car damage, allowing players to see cars get dented, lose parts, and break headlights and windows in real-time. A track editor allows gamers to create their own courses and maps, and multiplayer Internet and LAN support lets them share their creations or race in one of seven game modes.
- Smash through seven game modes like wrecking match, stunt show, and pass the bomb
- Add rocket launchers, mini-guns, and nitrous injections to 12 tunable vehicles
- Defy gravity and destroy cars in six mini-games
- Create the ultimate crash course with track editor
- Race friends and strangers in online multiplayer action
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